API Documentation / pinia
Module: pinia
- DefineSetupStoreOptions
- DefineStoreOptions
- DefineStoreOptionsBase
- DefineStoreOptionsInPlugin
- MapStoresCustomization
- Pinia
- PiniaCustomProperties
- PiniaCustomStateProperties
- PiniaPlugin
- PiniaPluginContext
- StoreDefinition
- StoreProperties
- SubscriptionCallbackMutationDirect
- SubscriptionCallbackMutationPatchFunction
- SubscriptionCallbackMutationPatchObject
- _StoreOnActionListenerContext
- _StoreWithState
- _SubscriptionCallbackMutationBase
Type Aliases
Ƭ PiniaStorePlugin: PiniaPlugin
Plugin to extend every store.
use PiniaPlugin instead
Ƭ StateTree: Record
| number
| symbol
, any
Generic state of a Store
Ƭ Store<Id
, S
, G
, A
>: _StoreWithState
, S
, G
, A
> & UnwrapRef
> & _StoreWithGetters
> & _ActionsTree
extends A
? {} : A
& PiniaCustomProperties
, S
, G
, A
> & PiniaCustomStateProperties
Store type to build a store.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string = string |
S | extends StateTree = {} |
G | {} |
A | {} |
Ƭ StoreActions<SS
>: SS
extends Store
, StateTree
, _GettersTree
>, infer A> ? A
: _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore
Extract the actions of a store type. Works with both a Setup Store or an Options Store.
Type parameters
Name |
SS |
Ƭ StoreGeneric: Store
, StateTree
, _GettersTree
>, _ActionsTree
Generic and type-unsafe version of Store. Doesn't fail on access with strings, making it much easier to write generic functions that do not care about the kind of store that is passed.
Ƭ StoreGetters<SS
>: SS
extends Store
, StateTree
, infer G, _ActionsTree
> ? _StoreWithGetters
> : _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore
Extract the getters of a store type. Works with both a Setup Store or an Options Store.
Type parameters
Name |
SS |
Ƭ StoreOnActionListener<Id
, S
, G
, A
>: (context
: StoreOnActionListenerContext
, S
, G
, {} extends A
? _ActionsTree
: A
>) => void
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | G |
A | A |
Type declaration
▸ (context
): void
Argument of store.$onAction()
Name | Type |
context | StoreOnActionListenerContext <Id , S , G , {} extends A ? _ActionsTree : A > |
Ƭ StoreOnActionListenerContext<Id
, S
, G
, A
>: _ActionsTree
extends A
? _StoreOnActionListenerContext
, string
, _ActionsTree
> : { [Name in keyof A]: Name extends string ? _StoreOnActionListenerContext<Store<Id, S, G, A>, Name, A> : never }[keyof A
Context object passed to callbacks of store.$onAction(context => {})
TODO: should have only the Id, the Store and Actions to generate the proper object
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | G |
A | A |
Ƭ StoreState<SS
>: SS
extends Store
, infer S, _GettersTree
>, _ActionsTree
> ? UnwrapRef
> : _ExtractStateFromSetupStore
Extract the state of a store type. Works with both a Setup Store or an Options Store. Note this unwraps refs.
Type parameters
Name |
SS |
Ƭ SubscriptionCallback<S
>: (mutation
: SubscriptionCallbackMutation
>, state
: UnwrapRef
>) => void
Type parameters
Name |
S |
Type declaration
▸ (mutation
, state
): void
Callback of a subscription
Name | Type |
mutation | SubscriptionCallbackMutation <S > |
state | UnwrapRef <S > |
Ƭ SubscriptionCallbackMutation<S
>: SubscriptionCallbackMutationDirect
| SubscriptionCallbackMutationPatchObject
> | SubscriptionCallbackMutationPatchFunction
Context object passed to a subscription callback.
Type parameters
Name |
S |
_ActionsTree %{#Type-Aliases-_ActionsTree}%
Ƭ _ActionsTree: Record
, _Method
Type of an object of Actions. For internal usage only. For internal use only
_Awaited %{#Type-Aliases-_Awaited}%
Ƭ _Awaited<T
>: T
extends null
| undefined
? T
: T
extends object
& { then
: (onfulfilled
: F
) => any
} ? F
extends (value
: infer V, ...args
: any
) => any
? _Awaited
> : never
: T
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_Awaited-Type-parameters}%
Name |
T |
_DeepPartial %{#Type-Aliases-_DeepPartial}%
Ƭ _DeepPartial<T
>: { [K in keyof T]?: _DeepPartial<T[K]> }
Recursive Partial<T>
. Used by ['$patch'].
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_DeepPartial-Type-parameters}%
Name |
T |
_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore}%
Ƭ _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore<SS
>: SS
extends undefined
| void
? {} : _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys
> extends keyof SS
? Pick
, _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys
>> : never
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys}%
Ƭ _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys<SS
>: keyof { [K in keyof SS as SS[K] extends _Method ? K : never]: any }
Type that enables refactoring through IDE. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractActionsFromSetupStore_Keys-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore}%
Ƭ _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore<SS
>: SS
extends undefined
| void
? {} : _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys
> extends keyof SS
? Pick
, _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys
>> : never
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys}%
Ƭ _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys<SS
>: keyof { [K in keyof SS as SS[K] extends ComputedRef ? K : never]: any }
Type that enables refactoring through IDE. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractGettersFromSetupStore_Keys-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_ExtractStateFromSetupStore %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractStateFromSetupStore}%
Ƭ _ExtractStateFromSetupStore<SS
>: SS
extends undefined
| void
? {} : _ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys
> extends keyof SS
? _UnwrapAll
, _ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys
>>> : never
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractStateFromSetupStore-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys}%
Ƭ _ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys<SS
>: keyof { [K in keyof SS as SS[K] extends _Method | ComputedRef ? never : K]: any }
Type that enables refactoring through IDE. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_ExtractStateFromSetupStore_Keys-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
_GettersTree %{#Type-Aliases-_GettersTree}%
Ƭ _GettersTree<S
>: Record
, (state
: UnwrapRef
> & UnwrapRef
>>) => any
| () => any
Type of an object of Getters that infers the argument. For internal usage only. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_GettersTree-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
S | extends StateTree |
_MapActionsObjectReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapActionsObjectReturn}%
Ƭ _MapActionsObjectReturn<A
, T
>: { [key in keyof T]: A[T[key]] }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapActionsObjectReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
A | A |
T | extends Record <string , keyof A > |
_MapActionsReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapActionsReturn}%
Ƭ _MapActionsReturn<A
>: { [key in keyof A]: A[key] }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapActionsReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name |
A |
_MapStateObjectReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapStateObjectReturn}%
Ƭ _MapStateObjectReturn<Id
, S
, G
, A
, T
>: { [key in keyof T]: Function }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapStateObjectReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
T | extends Record <string , keyof S | keyof G | (store : Store <Id , S , G , A >) => any > = {} |
_MapStateReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapStateReturn}%
Ƭ _MapStateReturn<S
, G
, Keys
>: { [key in Keys]: Function }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapStateReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
Keys | extends keyof S | keyof G = keyof S | keyof G |
_MapWritableStateObjectReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapWritableStateObjectReturn}%
Ƭ _MapWritableStateObjectReturn<S
, T
>: { [key in keyof T]: Object }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapWritableStateObjectReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
S | extends StateTree |
T | extends Record <string , keyof S > |
_MapWritableStateReturn %{#Type-Aliases-_MapWritableStateReturn}%
Ƭ _MapWritableStateReturn<S
>: { [key in keyof S]: Object }
For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_MapWritableStateReturn-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
S | extends StateTree |
_Method %{#Type-Aliases-_Method}%
Ƭ _Method: (...args
: any
[]) => any
Type declaration %{#Type-Aliases-_Method-Type-declaration}%
▸ (...args
): any
Generic type for a function that can infer arguments and return type
For internal use only
Parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_Method-Type-declaration-Parameters}%
Name | Type |
...args | any [] |
Returns %{#Type-Aliases-_Method-Type-declaration-Returns}%
_Spread %{#Type-Aliases-_Spread}%
Ƭ _Spread<A
>: A
extends [infer L, ...(infer R)] ? _StoreObject
> & _Spread
> : unknown
For internal use only.
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_Spread-Type-parameters}%
Name | Type |
A | extends readonly any [] |
_StoreObject %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreObject}%
Ƭ _StoreObject<S
>: S
extends StoreDefinition
<infer Ids, infer State, infer Getters, infer Actions> ? { [Id in `${Ids}${MapStoresCustomization extends Record<"suffix", infer Suffix> ? Suffix : "Store"}`]: Function } : {}
For internal use only.
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreObject-Type-parameters}%
Name |
S |
_StoreWithActions %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreWithActions}%
Ƭ _StoreWithActions<A
>: { [k in keyof A]: A[k] extends Function ? Function : never }
Store augmented for actions. For internal usage only. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreWithActions-Type-parameters}%
Name |
A |
_StoreWithGetters %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreWithGetters}%
Ƭ _StoreWithGetters<G
>: { readonly [k in keyof G]: G[k] extends Function ? R : UnwrapRef<G[k]> }
Store augmented with getters. For internal usage only. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_StoreWithGetters-Type-parameters}%
Name |
G |
_UnwrapAll %{#Type-Aliases-_UnwrapAll}%
Ƭ _UnwrapAll<SS
>: { [K in keyof SS]: UnwrapRef<SS[K]> }
Type that enables refactoring through IDE. For internal use only
Type parameters %{#Type-Aliases-_UnwrapAll-Type-parameters}%
Name |
SS |
• Const
PiniaVuePlugin: Plugin
Vue 2 Plugin that must be installed for pinia to work. Note you don't need this plugin if you are using Nuxt.js. Use the buildModule
instead: https://pinia.vuejs.org/ssr/nuxt.html.
import Vue from 'vue'
import { PiniaVuePlugin, createPinia } from 'pinia'
const pinia = createPinia()
new Vue({
el: '#app',
// ...
import Vue from 'vue'
import { PiniaVuePlugin, createPinia } from 'pinia'
const pinia = createPinia()
new Vue({
el: '#app',
// ...
imported from 'vue'.
▸ acceptHMRUpdate(initialUseStore
, hot
): (newModule
: any
) => any
Creates an accept function to pass to i
in Vite applications.
const useUser = defineStore(...)
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useUser, import.meta.hot))
const useUser = defineStore(...)
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useUser, import.meta.hot))
Name | Type | Description |
initialUseStore | StoreDefinition <string , StateTree , _GettersTree <StateTree >, _ActionsTree > | return of the defineStore to hot update |
hot | any | i |
▸ (newModule
): any
Name | Type |
newModule | any |
▸ createPinia(): Pinia
Creates a Pinia instance to be used by the application
▸ defineStore<Id
, S
, G
, A
, options
): StoreDefinition
, S
, G
, A
Creates a useStore
function that retrieves the store instance
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree = {} |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > = {} |
A | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Id | id of the store (must be unique) |
options | Omit <DefineStoreOptions <Id , S , G , A >, "id" > | options to define the store |
, S
, G
, A
▸ defineStore<Id
, S
, G
, A
): StoreDefinition
, S
, G
, A
Creates a useStore
function that retrieves the store instance
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree = {} |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > = {} |
A | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
options | DefineStoreOptions <Id , S , G , A > | options to define the store |
, S
, G
, A
▸ defineStore<Id
, SS
, storeSetup
, options?
): StoreDefinition
, _ExtractStateFromSetupStore
>, _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore
>, _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore
Creates a useStore
function that retrieves the store instance
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
SS | SS |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Id | id of the store (must be unique) |
storeSetup | () => SS | function that defines the store |
options? | DefineSetupStoreOptions <Id , _ExtractStateFromSetupStore <SS >, _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore <SS >, _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore <SS >> | extra options |
, _ExtractStateFromSetupStore
>, _ExtractGettersFromSetupStore
>, _ExtractActionsFromSetupStore
▸ getActivePinia(): undefined
| Pinia
Get the currently active pinia if there is any.
| Pinia
▸ mapActions<Id
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
, keyMapper
): _MapActionsObjectReturn
, KeyMapper
Allows directly using actions from your store without using the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the methods
field of a component. The values of the object are the actions while the keys are the names of the resulting methods.
export default {
methods: {
// other methods properties
// useCounterStore has two actions named `increment` and `setCount`
...mapActions(useCounterStore, { moar: 'increment', setIt: 'setCount' })
created() {
export default {
methods: {
// other methods properties
// useCounterStore has two actions named `increment` and `setCount`
...mapActions(useCounterStore, { moar: 'increment', setIt: 'setCount' })
created() {
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
KeyMapper | extends Record <string , keyof A > |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keyMapper | KeyMapper | object to define new names for the actions |
, KeyMapper
▸ mapActions<Id
, S
, G
, A
, keys
): _MapActionsReturn
Allows directly using actions from your store without using the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the methods
field of a component.
export default {
methods: {
// other methods properties
...mapActions(useCounterStore, ['increment', 'setCount'])
created() {
this.setCount(2) // pass arguments as usual
export default {
methods: {
// other methods properties
...mapActions(useCounterStore, ['increment', 'setCount'])
created() {
this.setCount(2) // pass arguments as usual
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keys | keyof A [] | array of action names to map |
▸ mapGetters<Id
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
, keyMapper
): _MapStateObjectReturn
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
Alias for mapState()
. You should use mapState()
use mapState()
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
KeyMapper | extends Record <string , keyof S | keyof G | (store : Store <Id , S , G , A >) => any > |
Name | Type |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > |
keyMapper | KeyMapper |
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
▸ mapGetters<Id
, S
, G
, A
, Keys
, keys
): _MapStateReturn
, G
, Keys
Alias for mapState()
. You should use mapState()
use mapState()
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
Keys | extends string | number | symbol |
Name | Type |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > |
keys | readonly Keys [] |
, G
, Keys
▸ mapState<Id
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
, keyMapper
): _MapStateObjectReturn
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
Allows using state and getters from one store without using the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the computed
field of a component. The values of the object are the state properties/getters while the keys are the names of the resulting computed properties. Optionally, you can also pass a custom function that will receive the store as its first argument. Note that while it has access to the component instance via this
, it won't be typed.
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
// useCounterStore has a state property named `count` and a getter `double`
...mapState(useCounterStore, {
n: 'count',
triple: store => store.n * 3,
// note we can't use an arrow function if we want to use `this`
custom(store) {
return this.someComponentValue + store.n
doubleN: 'double'
created() {
this.n // 2
this.doubleN // 4
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
// useCounterStore has a state property named `count` and a getter `double`
...mapState(useCounterStore, {
n: 'count',
triple: store => store.n * 3,
// note we can't use an arrow function if we want to use `this`
custom(store) {
return this.someComponentValue + store.n
doubleN: 'double'
created() {
this.n // 2
this.doubleN // 4
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
KeyMapper | extends Record <string , keyof S | keyof G | (store : Store <Id , S , G , A >) => any > |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keyMapper | KeyMapper | object of state properties or getters |
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
▸ mapState<Id
, S
, G
, A
, Keys
, keys
): _MapStateReturn
, G
, Keys
Allows using state and getters from one store without using the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the computed
field of a component.
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
...mapState(useCounterStore, ['count', 'double'])
created() {
this.count // 2
this.double // 4
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
...mapState(useCounterStore, ['count', 'double'])
created() {
this.count // 2
this.double // 4
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
Keys | extends string | number | symbol |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keys | readonly Keys [] | array of state properties or getters |
, G
, Keys
▸ mapStores<Stores
): _Spread
Allows using stores without the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the computed
field of a component. It accepts a list of store definitions.
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
...mapStores(useUserStore, useCartStore)
created() {
this.userStore // store with id "user"
this.cartStore // store with id "cart"
export default {
computed: {
// other computed properties
...mapStores(useUserStore, useCartStore)
created() {
this.userStore // store with id "user"
this.cartStore // store with id "cart"
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Stores | extends any [] |
Name | Type | Description |
...stores | [...Stores[]] | list of stores to map to an object |
▸ mapWritableState<Id
, S
, G
, A
, KeyMapper
, keyMapper
): _MapWritableStateObjectReturn
, KeyMapper
Same as mapState()
but creates computed setters as well so the state can be modified. Differently from mapState()
, only state
properties can be added.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
KeyMapper | extends Record <string , keyof S > |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keyMapper | KeyMapper | object of state properties |
, KeyMapper
▸ mapWritableState<Id
, S
, G
, A
, Keys
, keys
): { [K in Keys]: Object }
Allows using state and getters from one store without using the composition API (setup()
) by generating an object to be spread in the computed
field of a component.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Id | extends string |
S | extends StateTree |
G | extends _GettersTree <S > |
A | A |
Keys | extends string | number | symbol |
Name | Type | Description |
useStore | StoreDefinition <Id , S , G , A > | store to map from |
keys | readonly Keys [] | array of state properties |
{ [K in Keys]: Object }
▸ setActivePinia(pinia
): undefined
| Pinia
Sets or unsets the active pinia. Used in SSR and internally when calling actions and getters
Name | Type | Description |
pinia | undefined | Pinia | Pinia instance |
| Pinia
▸ setMapStoreSuffix(suffix
): void
Changes the suffix added by mapStores()
. Can be set to an empty string. Defaults to "Store"
. Make sure to extend the MapStoresCustomization interface if you are using TypeScript.
Name | Type | Description |
suffix | string | new suffix |
▸ skipHydrate<T
): T
Tells Pinia to skip the hydration process of a given object. This is useful in setup stores (only) when you return a stateful object in the store but it isn't really state. e.g. returning a router instance in a setup store.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | any |
Name | Type | Description |
obj | T | target object |
▸ storeToRefs<SS
): StoreToRefs
Creates an object of references with all the state, getters, and plugin-added state properties of the store. Similar to toRefs()
but specifically designed for Pinia stores so methods and non reactive properties are completely ignored.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
SS | extends _StoreWithState <string , StateTree , _GettersTree <StateTree >, _ActionsTree , SS > & StateTree & _StoreWithGetters <_GettersTree <StateTree >> & PiniaCustomProperties <string , StateTree , _GettersTree <StateTree >, _ActionsTree , SS > & PiniaCustomStateProperties <StateTree , SS > |
Name | Type | Description |
store | SS | store to extract the refs from |